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Covid-19 Updates

Covid-19 Update 4/3/2020

We wanted to update everyone on a few changes to operations at Kol Koi Pondscapes in order to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. We are complying with all CDC guidelines including hand-washing, social distancing, and monitoring our employees for symptoms.

To minimize exposure to customers and employees, we will be conducting all business outside of the store. Please come to the door, ring the bell, and someone will come outside to assist you. Local deliveries can be arranged for our more vulnerable customers. Our ability to do this is limited. So, please use this option only when necessary. Also, we will offer curbside pick-up. Call ahead with your order and we will take your payment over the phone. Call when you get to the store and we will bring whatever you need to your car. 

Our maintenance and cleanout appointments remain unchanged as these are deemed as essential services due to cleanliness. Rest assured that the employees performing these services are following strict guidelines regarding best practices for preventing the spread of Covid-19.

The fish house is closed to customers during this time, but we can assist you with new fish given the general color and price range. Rescue fish (which are located outside of the fish house) can be picked out by maintaining a 6-8 feet distance. 

We will be closed on Sundays until further notice. Wednesday-Saturday we will be open our normal hours from 10-5.

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, please give us a call.


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