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As you might expect, a beautiful pond with clean aerated water attracts an amazing amount of wildlife. Some are just passing through, some are regular visitors, and some take up permanent residence! We will discuss what can be done to entice even more wildlife to visit your pond, and provide some interesting background information on lots of animals. However, sometimes wildlife is not what people are after. If you are looking for ways to keep a few pesky critters out of your pond see our other article – Unwelcome Visitors. The word spreads fast in the animal kingdom. Put in a pond, and you’ll agree. Within days, a whole array of creatures find their way into, next to, and around your pond. As you settle into your new pond so do countless insects, amphibians, birds, and reptiles. The reason your pond attracts so many creatures is because a steady supply of clean water can be hard to find. While some creatures spend part of their life cycle in the water, some are just looking for a dr...
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